Set Aside Three Tables for Serving: Drinks, Food, Dessert
The Drinks Table
- Place a table just for beverages near the entrance so guests can sip and mingle away from where the food is being served. Alternately, put this table at the end of the food table but away from it if that works better with your party location.
- If you want to make the drinks table self-service, equip it with wine glasses, tall glasses for soda or juice, a bottle opener, a corkscrew, an ice bucket with tongs, and some bar towels.
- If you have nice trays you can put this and the beverages on them and then put the trays on the beverage table to make it easier to set up and clean up after the event. Include at least one non-alcoholic drink and you may want to include a few bottles of water also.
- You can also consider hiring a bartender or a college student to serve beverages.
- Place a trash can next to the beverage station and put a cooler with extra ice and drinks under the table (cover the table with a tablecloth to the floor).
- If you're trying to save money, stick to red and white wine and/or bottled beer, or if you want mixed drinks you can choose one that can be prepared beforehand and prepare it in pitchers ready to pour.
- Non-alcoholic drink ideas include fruit juices, club soda, cola, ginger ale, and vegetable or tomato juice. And iced tea down South where we are! You may also want to use drink garnishes such as maraschino cherries, sprigs of mint, and thin-sliced lemon or lime. Another idea is to have cups and a hot drink such as cider or hot chocolate or glogg.
More tips on organizing your holiday buffet later this week.
Bon Appetit!