FANDANGO Catering is Houston's only dedicated green caterer (we were just written up on April 18 in the Houston Chronicle's section on green living), and in honor of Earth Day 2010 we offer four tips to green your eating this year.
Have at least one vegetarian meal each week--Raising livestock produces more greenhouse gases than every car, ship, plane, and train combined, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.
Choose chicken over beef--Beef production creates 13 times as many greenhouse gases as chicken production does.
Eat what's in season--Opt for local produce that's in season and hasn't been shipped from far away; you also support local businesses this way, and it tastes so much fresher that any comparison to supermarket produce is impossible.
Buy in bulk--Avoid the single-size or small-size containers as much as possible; plastic packaging is usually made from oil and produces tons of greenhouse gases each year. Also try the bulk aisle for things like beans, lentils, and nuts.
Every little bit helps!
To Earth Day 2010!
Kristina RĂos de Lumbreras, Ph.D.
Partner, Director of Sales & Operations
(281) 796-9841
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