Monday, May 21, 2012

Fandango Catering Offers 7 Ideas for Summer Theme Parties

Summer presents many great ideas for theme parties or events, and if you're looking for a theme to bring your summer event together and make it more fun, today we offer 7 ideas for summer theme parties, below.

  • Cannes--The actual Cannes film festival ends May 27, but even after it ends you can still use the concept as a French Riviera party with food, colors (bright or shades of blue and yellow), majolica dishes (cool majolica-style melamine dishes for outdoor use are available at better retailers now), French wines, music, etc.
  • Summer Olympics--Watch the Games or not, as you please, and feature food, team facts, etc.  Cool for sports lovers and those who just like summer gatherings.
  • My Vacation--Where are you vacationing this year? Use that at a theme for your summer party, either before or after your actual vacation.  It's almost better after your vacation so you can use things you brought back from vacation.
  • Tennis championships--The French Open, Wimbledon, the U. S. is the way to go, which you can have great fun with.  Watch the matches or not, as you please.
  • Backyard games--Games like backyard or sand volleyball, badmitton, shuffleboard or pétanque, are fun for many ages and you can have a great time with this type of theme.
  • Summer brunch--my parents' generation often had outdoor summer brunches, and it's still a great type of summer gathering as your guests still have time after the brunch for other activities. Plus it's generally cooler in the earlier part of the day.
  • Trip around the world--Designate certain areas for food, etc., from different countries and label the foods or lay out menus in each area.  People love sampling from different world cuisines.  With at least three different cuisines you can do this.  Just keep the cuisines separate or you'll spoil the fun. If you're feeling creative, use music, etc., from each of the areas featured.



Fandango Catering and Events
(713) 522-0077

1 comment:

  1. I adore every information you have here. Glad you've shared this. Thanks! :)
